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All Ohio Bail Bonds

Franklin County Bailbondsman

Representation from Our Bail Bonds Team

Our Franklin County bail bonds firm is recognized throughout the state for our experience, professionalism, and integrity. You can depend on us to answer the phone and come to your aid 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you dial All Ohio Bail Bonds in Franklin County, you can expect prompt, professional service, whether it’s morning, noon, or night.

Clients throughout Franklin County and beyond rely on our Columbus bail bonds team to provide compassionate, honest, and completely confidential service. Let our Franklin County bail bond agents explain your options and provide a solution tailored to your situation.

Call All Ohio Bail Bonds for trusted Franklin County bail bond services:

  • 30+ Years of  Combined Expertise
  • Round-the-clock services
  • Impeccable integrity
  • Complete privacy
  • Low payment plan available
  • Spanish-speaking agents
  • Services offered in all Ohio courts and nationwide

Need bail bonds help in Franklin County? Give us a call at (614) 464-9000 or contact us online for a quick reply.

How Do Bail Bonds Work in Franklin County, OH?

After a person has been arrested and charged with a crime, a judge will set a bail amount. This is the amount of money they must pay to get out of jail while their case is pending.

Franklin County bail bondsmanBail amounts can be high – sometimes ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Unfortunately, not all people will have the cash immediately available to pay the entire amount. In these situations, the individual (or their loved ones) can turn to a Franklin County bail bonds agency for help posting bail.

The bail bonds company will charge a small, non-refundable fee (typically 10%) for their services. One of its agents will complete the necessary paperwork for the individual and post a bond on their behalf. Thus, a bail bonds company works to help someone get out of jail while they await trial, and it does so at only a fraction of the entire bail amount.

After the individual’s case is over and if they appeared for all required court proceedings, they do not owe any additional funds to the bail bond company. However, if they fail to appear in court as scheduled, they will be liable for the remaining 90% of their bail amount. In other words, if they paid $1,000 for a $10,000 bail and did not show up to court, they must pay the remaining $9,000.

For more information on how bail bonds work in Franklin County, contact Franklin county Bail Bondsman near me . Our knowledgeable agents are here to answer your questions and address your concerns.

What Is the Purpose of Bail?

The primary purpose of bail is to ensure that the individual appears in court as required for their case. Essentially, bail can be seen as a type of incentive.

The individual pays a certain amount in bail to get released from police custody. If they show up for all court proceedings, their bail money is returned (however, if they went through a bail bonds agency, the non-refundable premium is not returned). Generally, bail amounts are high to encourage the individual to return. If it were low, the financial loss the individual would feel if they failed to appear likely would not entice them to show up in court.

Another purpose of bail is to protect the individual’s rights. Under the Constitution, any person accused of a crime has the right to due process and face their accuser. By using bail to incentivize the individual to appear in court, these Constitutional protections are upheld.

Bail also helps ensure that an innocent person’s liberties are not unduly restricted. In the eyes of the law, any person accused of a crime is innocent until or unless proven guilty. Guilt may be proven by a prosecutor during a criminal case. Therefore, while the case is pending, the individual is presumed innocent. Yet, if they were not allowed bail, they would remain in police custody for the duration of their case, which can be seen as a form of punishment on the innocent.

Lastly, bail allows the individual to be free from police custody while their case is pending. They can, therefore, spend unrestricted time with friends and/or family members (as they will not be subject to a jail’s visiting hours). Being able to be around loved ones during this difficult time can be beneficial for the individual’s well-being. Also, pretrial release can give the individual better time to prepare a defense strategy for their case.

At All Ohio Bail Bonds, our bail bondsman in Franklin County want to help protect the rights of those accused of crimes and allow them to benefit from the many advantages of posting bail. That is why we offer reliable bail bonds services in Franklin County.

How Is Bail Set?

Bail can be set in a couple of different ways. First, for some misdemeanor offenses, the court may have a schedule of bail amounts. These are preset bails that make the process of pretrial release more efficient.

The other way bail is set is by a judge. They will determine what amount is necessary to ensure that the individual returns to court.

The factors the judge will consider include, but are not limited to:

  • The severity of the offense.
  • The individual’s criminal history.
  • The individual’s family and community ties.
  • The possibility that the individual will flee before trial.
  • The risk the individual poses to the alleged victim or society.

Although the bail amount the judge imposes cannot be excessive, it can still be steep. Franklin county Bail Bondsmen -near me, we recognize that it may not be financially feasible to post bail. If you or a loved one needs assistance bailing out of jail, speak with a member of our team to discuss our Franklin County bail bonds services and the convenient payment plans we offer.

What Are the Conditions of Bail?

When an individual is released on bail, ensuring that they return for all court proceedings concerning their criminal case, they must also follow certain restrictions and requirements set by the judge. These are referred to as conditions of bail, and they must be the least restrictive measures that will ensure the individual’s appearance in court.

The specific conditions of bail vary for each case, but a few examples include:

  • Not contacting the alleged victim
  • Not committing any other offenses
  • Reporting to an authorized organization
  • Refraining from traveling
  • Being subject to electronic monitoring or house arrest
  • Completing a drug and/or alcohol assessment

Failing to abide by the conditions of bail can have serious consequences. The judge may put out a warrant for the individual’s arrest. They may also revoke the individual’s bail, which means that they will be returned to jail for the duration of their case. And, the bail amount may be forfeit, meaning the individual won’t get it back if they paid out of pocket (or they will owe the bail bonds agency the remaining bail amount).

At Lancaster Bail Bonds, our Franklin County will review the entire bail bonds process with you, allowing you to understand your obligations after you have been released from police custody.

Franklin County Bail Bonds Services

If you or a loved one has been arrested, your top concern may be getting out of jail right away. At All Ohio Bail Bonds, we are available 24/7 and are ready to assist you through the Franklin County bail bonds process. Our team works efficiently to get your loved one back home as soon as possible.

For bail bonds near me in Franklin County, call us at (614) 464-9000 or contact us online today.